Monday, December 28, 2009


What are some good things to use to exfoliate...i want a homemade mask that wont require alot...but it will exfoliate. i have oily skin and i dont want it to dry it out...but i just want it to exfoliate.

please dont just tell me the things to use...but what i should do wth them and how long to keep it on for n stuff like that.

I mix together sugar and lotion to make a past, then rub it on my face and body and then rinse off the sugar, your left with soft smooth skin. use any lotion you want. i use one that is for age fighting.Exfoliate?
oil and sugar... thats my fav homemade one. mix together really well, then let it sit for 5-7 minutes on your face and pat dry.

i really like biore shine reduction mask too, but that's not what you're looking for. :-)

hope this helps...

Olive oil and salt works. Brown surger works really well. Mix honey

with olive oil and viniger %26amp; lemon juice can help too. Good luck!
honey mixed w/ milk, lemon juice, and/or nutmeg. Honey for moisture, milk for soothing skin, lemon juice to open up pores, nutmeg just because it gives good results. Add cinnamon for exfoliation. Leave it on, then rinse w/ warm water after 30 min, and pat dry. Use three times a day maximum.

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